Pre-Application Consultation
This Pre-Application Consultation relates to the intention of Lidl Great Britain Ltd to submit to the local planning authority (Caerphilly County Borough Council) a full planning application for the demolition of a the existing bus depot and erection of a Class A1 retail foodstore with surface level car parking, landscaping, and all development.
Submitted Documents
You are invited to view the draft planning application submission below and provide your comments on the proposals in advance of the formal planning submission:
- Draft Application Form
- Draft CIL Form
- Package of Planning Drawings comprising:
- Proposed Ground Floor Plan (Drawing no. P100 Rev. A)
- Proposed Roof Plan (Drawing no. P101)
- Proposed Contextual Elevations (Drawing no. P201 Rev. B)
- Existing Site Section A - A (Drawing no. P300)
- Existing Site Sections B - D (Drawing no. 301 Rev. A)
- Proposed Site Section A - A (Drawing no. P302 Rev. C)
- Proposed Site Sections B - D (Drawing no. P303 Rev. D)
- Site Location Plan (Drawing no. P400 Rev. B)
- Existing Site Plan (Drawing no. P401 Rev. A)
- Existing Site Utilities (Drawing no. P402 Rev. A)
- Proposed Setting Out Plan (Drawing no. P403 Rev. J)
- Proposed GA Site Plan (Drawing no. P404 Rev. H)
- Proposed Surface Treatments Plan (Drawing no. P405 Rev. F)
- Proposed Levels Plan (Drawing no. P406 Rev. I)
- Proposed Boundary Treatment Plan (Drawing no. P407 Rev. F)
- Proposed Site Plan with Existing Utility Services (Drawing no. P408 Rev. F)
- Design Risk Register (Drawing no. P409 Rev. E)
- Proposed Site Plan with Existing Topo Overlay (Drawing no. P410 Rev. C)
- Fire Escape Distances (Drawing no. P411 Rev. B)
- Proposed Site Tracking (Drawing no. P412 Rev. B)
- Demolition Plan (Drawing no. P413 Rev. A)
- Proposed Setting Out Plan No 2 (Drawing no. P414 Rev. A)
- Proposed Site Access Arrangement (Drawing no. PL01 Rev. B)
- Swept Path Analysis Max Legal (16.5m) Articulated HGV (Drawing no. SP01 Rev. A)
- Landscape Existing Features (Drawing no. CA-2025-BKWD-01)
- Landscape Existing Features and Overlay (Drawing no. CA-2025-BKWD-02 Rev. A)
- Landscape Proposals Overall (Drawing no. CA-2025- BKWD-03 Rev. B)
- Landscape Proposals Tree, Native & Hedge (Drawing no. CA-2025- BKWD-04 Rev A)
- Landscape Proposals Planting Beds (Drawing no. CA-2025- BKWD-05 Rev A)
- Landscape Sections (Drawing no. CA-2025- BKWD-06)
- Green Infrastructure (Drawing no. CA-2025- BKWD-07)
- Planning & Retail Statement (CarneySweeney)
- Design and Access Statement (HTC Architects)
- Ecological Impact Assessment (Lucion)
- Tree Survey, Tree Constraints Plan, Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Impact Assessment (ArbsTS)
- Green Infrastructure Statement (Corscadden Associates)
- Planting Schedule (Corscadden Associates)
- Planting Methodology & 5 Year Aftercare Landscape Management Plan (Corscadden Associates)
- Market Appraisal (Knight Frank)
- Noise Assessment (Inacoustic)
- Transport Assessment (Corun)
- Travel Plan (Corun)
- Phase 1 Site Investigation & Preliminary Risk Assessment (Remada)
- Phase 2 Ground Investigation (Remada)
- Health & Safety Plan (Remada)
- Coal Mining Risk Assessment (Remada)
You are invited to provide any pre-application consultation response on the proposed development to us by 3 April 2025. Your response may be sent by post to us at the address below or by email to: rahma.dwimunali@carneysweeney.co.uk
Carney Sweeney, Brunel House, 2 Fitzalan Road, Cardiff, CF24 0EB
Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy.