Redevelopment of the Lidl store site for mixed-use, residential-led development, Commercial Street, Risca

Pre-Application Consultation

This Pre-Application Consultation relates to the intention of Lidl Great Britain Ltd to submit to the local planning authority (Caerphilly County Borough Council) an outline planning application for the demolition of the existing retail store and construction of a new mixed-use residential (Use Class C3) and flexible commercial (Use Classes A1, A2, A3) development comprising residential development including apartments and townhouses, amenity space, drainage infrastructure, landscaping, car parking spaces and access improvements, and associated development.​​​​​​​

Lidl is committed to continuing to serve the local retail needs for Risca. Lidl intends to relocate the existing store to a nearby location 500m to the south along Commercial Street. A separate planning application has been submitted for an improved and larger Lidl at the former Bird Factory site, Commercial Street.

The combined schemes will be delivered in a phased manner. Once complete, the proposals will result in Risca benefiting from:

  • A modernised and enhanced Lidl on a site 500m to the south of the current store. The new store will significantly increase the staff and customer experience and offer.
  • The delivery of much-needed new homes within a sustainable location in the heart of Risca Town Centre.
  • The creation of an active street presence at the frontage of Commercial Street with ground floor commercial space proposed.
  • A number of other spin-off benefits for both sites including improving active travel links including pedestrian connections to the town centre, green infrastructure enhancements and job creation (construction and operation).

Submitted Documents

You are invited to view the draft planning application submission below and provide your comments on the proposals in advance of the formal planning submission:

  • Draft Application Form
  • Draft CIL Forms
  • Covering Letter (dated 27 February 2025)
  • Site Location Plan (Drawing no. 2966 P409 Rev C) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Existing Site Plan (Drawing no. 2966 P410 Rev A) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Existing Site Utilities (Drawing no. 2966 P414) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • GA Illustrative Site Layout (Drawing no. 2966 P411 Rev C) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Illustrative Site Layout GF Only (Drawing no. 2966 P412 Rev E) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Proposed Levels Strategy (Drawing no. 2966 P415) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Proposed Building Envelopes (Drawing no. 2966 P416) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Visual 01 – Street Scene (Drawing no. 2966 V001 Rev C) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Visual 02 – Bird View (Drawing no. 2966 V002 Rev C) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Visual 03 – Residential (Drawing no. 2966 V003 Rev A) (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Landscape Existing Features - Drawing no. CA-2025 RMIX-01 Rev A (prepared by Corscadden Associates)
  • Landscape Existing Features and Overlay - Drawing no. CA-2025 RMIX-02 Rev A (prepared by Corscadden Associates)
  • Landscape Proposals Overall - Drawing no. CA-2025 RMIX-01 Rev E (prepared by Corscadden Associates)
  • Planning Statement (prepared by CarneySweeney)
  • Design and Access Statement (prepared by HTC Architects)
  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (prepared by Biodiverse Consulting)
  • Arboricultural Report including a Tree Survey and Tree Constraints Plan (prepared by ArbsTS)
  • Green Infrastructure Statement (prepared by Corscadden Associates)
  • Noise Assessment (prepared by Inacoustic)
  • Flood Consequences Assessment & Drainage Strategy (prepared by Waterco)
  • Hydraulic Modelling Report (prepared by Waterco)
  • Air Quality Assessment (prepared by SLR)
  • Phase 1 Ground Investigation Report (prepared by Remada)
  • Transport Statement (prepared by Corun)

It should be noted that the Coal Authority’s Consultants Mining Report, which is appended to the Phase 1 Ground Investigation Report confirms that there are no recordings of mining activities within 100m of the site boundary. Therefore, a separate Coal Mining Risk Assessment is deemed as not required.

You are invited to provide any pre-application consultation response on the proposed development to us by 31 March 2025. Your response may be sent by post to us at the address below or by email to:

Carney Sweeney, Brunel House, 2 Fitzalan Road, Cardiff, CF24 0EB

Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy.
