Pinn Court Farm, Pinhoe, Exeter

Land at Pinn Court Farm, is a development of up to 430 dwellings, retail units and a care home that was initally refused permisison by East Devon District Council. CarneySweeney acted as the expert witness at a planning appeal, providing planning and five-year housing land supply evidence at a Public Inquiry.  CarneySweeney successfully argued for planning permission to be granted and applicability of a 20% housing target buffer, given the persistent under-delivery of housing in the district and the Council only demonstrating a 2.2 year supply of housing land.

The appeal was allowed following a Secretary of State call-in.  CarneySweeney managed the the wider consultant project team of transport and viability witnesses, coordinated the Environmental Statement and negotiated Section 106 planning obligations.

Following the allowed appeal, the site was allocated for development in the East Devon Local Plan.  

Most recently, CarneySweeney secured Reserved Matters approval for 30 dwellings and a 'white land' permission of an additonal 20 dwellings above that granted pursuant to the original outline permission. 

Strategic Land Promotion , Strategic Masterplanning, Residential & Mixed Use