Bro Tathan, Vale of Glamorgan

Peter Waldren leads the planning input at this existing business park with development potential for up to c.3 million sq ft of employment floor space. Bro Tathan is already home to major occupiers including Aston Martin Lagonda, eCube Solutions and Caerdav and has direct access to a fully operational 1,800m runway with full airside support.  Arranged over 1,200 acres within the Cardiff Airport and Bro Tathan Enterprise Zone, the site is of strategic importance to the Local Authority and the Welsh Government.

Having been involved in progressing a Development Brief for serviced development plots at the gateway to the site as well as various applications for airside and landside employment floorspace, Peter's involvement has been to coordinate with the wider multi-disciplinary team and the Local Planning Authority to ensure applications are scoped, prepared and determined within short timeframes to meet budgetary constraints and the needs of prospective tenants. The aim of having 'shovel ready' development plots has been key in attracting inward investment to the site and Peter has been instrumental in setting the correct planning strategy to achieve this.

Most recently the Cardiff office have advised Welsh Government on 37,500 sqm GIA air-side employment scheme within classes B1/B2/B8 and , at a different location on the same site, an outline application for 285,000 sqm GIA development within Class B1 or B2, to allow for a single very large building or a number of smaller buildings, dependant on market requirements.

Logistics, Industrial and Employment