Mayor of London to consult on new Affordable Housing and Viability Guidance with emphasis on the Fast Track Route

The updated guidance will seek to encourage more schemes to take the Fast Track route, placing greater emphasis on developers' engagement with Registered Providers at an early stage and investigating grant assistance in advance of making planning applications. The Mayor is also advocating increased use of the Affordable Housing Programme.

There will be greater prioritisation of key workers for intermediate products, retaining London Living Rent and Discounted Market Rent, whilst applying an income cap at £60,000. Small proportions of Discounted Market Sales may be considered.

The guidance will be separated into two documents and be known as 'London Plan Guidance', for continuity with the recently adopted Local Plan.

Consultation is expected to take place over a 3 month period in the first half of next year, with adoption anticipated around Autumn 2022. A further review of specialist housing will follow separately as the Mayor looks to roll out consultations on all current SPG's and Practice Notices to dovetail with the new London Plan.

by Richard Evans
07562 695973